Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care Found to Help Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a widely recognized, but not as widely understood neurological autoimmune disease that attacks the fat cells of the Central nervous system. This results in a loss of nerve function and body function.

Lesser known, is Chronic Cerebrospinal venous insufficiency or CCSVI. This is a theory that was developed by an Italian doctor who posed that a deficiency in the venous outflow of blood from the skull and neck can actually cause a backup of fluid in the brain. He theorized that this causes a whole list of problems and the that answer was to put a stent in the Jugular vein to open the vein and allow for the blood to properly flow.

A study titled "Preliminary results after Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care in patients with chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI) and Multiple Sclerosis (MS)" was highlighted this week in a live Facebook video by Dr. Evans from Arete Chiropractic. You can watch the video here: https://www.facebook.com/areteUC/videos/2089952854590213/

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the impact of Upper Cervical Care on patients with MS and CCSVI looking at clinical and x-ray results. The study looked at 77 patients before and after receiving Upper Cervical Chiropractic care using x-rays and evaluation of clinical symptoms. What they found was a statistically significant clinical improvement following about 4 months of treatment.

This is a preliminary study, but the results were very positive. The study suggests that Upper Cervical Chiropractic care may be a non-invasive approach to improve the flow of fluid away from the brain, which in turn allows the central nervous system to function better.