Jen suffered a concussion in February while playing soccer. Jen had also been dealing with migraines since she was in first grade and chronic daily headaches nearly every day. She had a couple of concussions prior to this accident in February, so the head and neck problems were starting to pile up.
We partner with Arete Chiropractic in Portsmouth, NH to provide Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care for active duty military, veterans, and those with financial hardship at a reduced rate. Jen started treatment at Arete Chiropractic in April with Post Concussion Symptoms of fatigue, brain fog, daily headaches, migraines, dizziness, memory loss, neck pain, low back pain and sciatica. Post concussion syndrome is diagnosed when a concussion's symptoms linger for longer than 30 days. After careful analysis, and a gentle correction to align her upper neck, her body is coming back to balance.
Post concussion syndrome can last for months or even years, so when Jen's body started to heal after the very first correction she knew she was in the right place.
Eight weeks later her migraines and headaches that she had since first grade have mostly resolved and she has more energy and is able to get through a full work week without calling out, and she feels more clear when she is at work. Post concussion symptoms, headaches and migraines aren't ruling her life anymore!