Cone beam CT is a revolutionary technology that is bringing 3D analysis of the head and neck to local dentists and doctors across the globe. Today we review an article published in in 2017 titled Cone beam computed tomography: basics and application in dentistry.,compared%20to%20medical%20computed%20tomography
I'm Dr. Evans from Arete Chiropractic in Portsmouth, NH. We partner with the Craniocervical Foundation to provide subsidized upper cervical chiropractic care to Veterans, Active Duty Military, and those experiencing financial hardship. One of the first things we do in our office is determine if a client is a good candidate for what we do by testing the Upper Cervical spine to see if the tests indicate a misalignment of the vertebra. Once we determine that there is a misalignment in the upper neck, we then want to see that misalignment in the best detail possible. In the past we had used 2D xrays to develop an idea of what the factors of tilt translation and rotation may be occurring in the upper neck. Over the last few years, Cone Beam CT has been introduced into the Upper Cervical profession as a means to get that 3D view of the upper neck with the same radiation dose or less than using 2D xrays.
When correcting the upper neck we always want to look at the vertebra before we do a correction as the upper neck is the most commonly malformed joint in the spine, and moves in a much more complicated way than the rest of the spine. On top of all of this, the upper neck houses the autonomic control centers, as well as the brain stem, which drive most basic functions. With all of this in mind we want to measure very carefully and precisely how the upper neck has abnormally been positioned, to correct it back to a more normal position, without any twisting or popping.
Cone beam CT gives us 3D pictures with the same or less dose of radiation, which we know to be far less than any recorded harmful dose, as well as at least ten times less than a traditional cervical medical CT. It also takes much less time than xray because we need less set-up and less positioning to get all the info we need. The scans can take a minimum of less than one minute where Xray set-ups can take up to 20 minutes of the patient's and the doctor's time.
The resolution of the 3D structures is also much better then 2D. In 2D xrays we would try to visualize structures with two or three different views of the same area however, with CBCT we are looking at the same structure with spatial relativity and resolution that is unmatched in any 2D pictures.
If you or someone you know has been frustrated with issues stemming from the head or neck, it might be time to get checked by an Upper Cervical Chiropractor and have an upper cervical chiropractor use CBCT to evaluate the alignment of the upper neck.
Call the Craniocervical Foundation today for more information about what we do and how to apply!